Permanent Consultation of Ombudsmen and Mediators (CPMO)

The Network of Ombudsmen and Ombudsmen of Belgium currently includes 26 member institutions from all sectors: Federal State, Regions, Communities, Cities and Municipalities, Public Enterprises and Private Sector. All of them will help you find a solution to your problems. If you do not address your complaint to the right ombudsman, he will forward it directly to his competent colleague. So thanks to the network, your complaint always arrives at the right place. The members of the network combine four main features: - an ombudsman is independent of the administration or organization against which he or she receives complaints; - an ombudsman has investigative powers, - an ombudsman issues opinions and recommendations, - an ombudsman publishes a public report on its activities at least once a year. The main objectives of the network are: - To make the ombudsmen known, - improve access to their services for the public, - strengthen cooperation and ensure the exchange of knowledge and experience. The network is officially called the Permanent Consultation of Ombudsmen and Ombudsmen (CPMO). Composition of the Board of Directors: Marc Bertrand (Mediator of Wallonia and the Federation Wallonia-Brussels) as President, Paul De Maeyer (Ombudsman for the postal sector) as Treasurer, Mary-Maud Anciaux (Ombudsman of the municipality of Courcelles), Karla Blomme (Omudsvrouw Stad Antwerpen), Marlene Hardt (Ombudsman of the German-speaking Community of Belgium), Tony Van der Steen (Ombudsman Pensioenenen), Cynthia Vanderlinden (Ombudsvrouw Ombudsrail).
Föderaler Ombudsmann   rue de Louvain 48/6
1000 Brussels

phone: 02 2892727          
Ombudsmann der Wallonnischen Region
und der Föderation Wallonie-Brüssel
  Rue Lucien Namèche 54
5000 Namur

phone: 081 321911          
The Flemish Ombudsdienst   Leuvenseweg 86
1000 Brussels

phone: 02 5524129          
Office of the Pensions Ombudsman
  Boulevard Simon Bolivar 30 bte 5
1000 Brussels

phone: 02 2741990          
Ombudsdienst für Telekommunikationen   Koning Albert II-laan 8 bus 3
1000 Brussels

phone: 02 2230909          
Ombudsdienst für den Postsektor   Koning Albert II-laan 8
1000 Brussels

phone: 02 2210240          
Ombudsdienst für Energie   Boulevard du Roi Albert II 8 boite 6
1000 Brussels

phone: 02 2111060          
Ombudsmann für Versicherungen   square de Meeûs 35
1000 Brussels

phone: 02 5475871          
Ombudsmann für Finanzdienstleistungen   Boulevard du Roi Albert II 8, bte 2
1000 Brussels          
Ombudsdienst für Verbraucher   Boulevard du Roi Albert II 8 bte 1
1000 Brussels

phone: 02 7025220          
Ombudsman Ixelles   chausse d'Ixelles 168A
1050 Brussels

phone: 02 5157272          
Ombudsmann für Bahnreisende   Boulevard du Roi Albert II 8 boîte 5
1000 Brussels

phone: 02 2210411          
Ombudsdienst Stad Antwerpen   De Coninckplein 25
2060 Antwerpen

phone: 0800 94843          
Ombudsdienst Stad Brugge   Hoogstraat 9
8000 Brugge

phone: 050 448090          
Médiatrice du CPAS d'Ixelles   Chaussée de Boondael 92
1050 Ixelles

phone: 02 5635710            
Médiatrice du CPAS de Schaerbeek   Boulevard Reyers 70
1030 Schaerbeek

phone: 02 4355070            
Landesbund der Christlichen Krankenkassen
  Chaussée de Haecht  579 BP40
1031 Brussels          
Ombudsman pour le notariat   Rue des Bouchers 67
1000 Brussels

phone: 02 8011500          
Ombudsfrau Gent   Botermarkt 17
9000 Gent

phone: 092 665500          
Service régional de médiation pour l'énergie
  route de Louvain-la-Neuve  4 bte 12
5001 Namur

phone: 081 330810          
Délégué aux droits de l'enfant                
Vlaamse Kinderrechtenkommissariat   Leuvenseweg 86
1000 Brussel

phone: 02 5524115          
Ombudsdienst Oostende   Torhoutsesteenweg 19
8400 Oostende

phone: 059 258686            
Ombudsdienst St. Niklaas                
Ombuds Bruxelles   Place de la Vieille Halle aux Blés  1
1000 Brussels

phone: 02 5496700            
Médiateur communal de Charleroi
Centre Hélios, 101/2e étage
  Rue de Montigny
6000 Charleroi

Médiatrice de Schaerbeek   Place Colignon
1030 Schaarbeek

Médiatrice communale de Courcelles   Place Jean Lagneau  1
6182 Souvret

Ombudsdienst Stad Leuven   Professor Van Overstraetenplein  1
3000 Leuven

Médiateur de la STIB   rue du Gentilhomme  3
1000 Brussels

Covens, Didier                
FASNK-AFSCA Ombudsdienst          

International Ombudsman Institute (IOI)

The IOI is the only organization for cooperation between independent ombudsman institutions in more than 90 countries worldwide. The IOI promotes the creation and development of ombudsman institutions and standards. It funds studies, provides training, promotes the exchange of information and the sharing of knowledge through a permanent dialogue with the main international organizations and interested

European Network (NEIWA)

Government organizations from different European countries have established a network to collaborate and share knowledge in the field of whistleblowing and integrity. The founding meeting took place in The Hague on May 24, 2019, at the initiative of the Dutch Whistleblowing Authority. The new network is called Network of European Integrity and Whistleblowing Authorities (NEIWA). The participating organizations are:

European Network of Ombudsman ENO

The European Network of Ombudsmen consists of over 95 offices in 36 European countries. The Network includes the national and regional ombudsmen and similar bodies of the Member States of the European Union, the candidate countries for EU accession and other countries of the European Economic Area, as well as the European Ombudsman and the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament. The national ombudsmen and similar bodies in the network have each appointed a liaison officer to act as a point of contact for other members of the network. The Network was established in 1996 and has steadily developed into a powerful cooperative tool for ombudsmen and their staff, serving as an effective mechanism for cooperation in case handling. It is of particular importance to the European Ombudsman in enabling him to deal quickly and effectively with complaints that do not fall within the scope of the hermandate. Exchange of experience and best practice takes place through seminars and meetings, a regular newsletter, an electronic discussion forum and a daily electronic news service. Visits by the European Ombudsman, organized by the ombudsmen in the Member States and the candidate countries, have also proved very effective in developing the

Human Rights Platform

Participation in the Plateforme des Droits de l'homme serves to improve acquaintance and exchange between actors specialized in the field of human rights, e.g. the interfederal body Unia or the High Council of Justice. Participation in the platform makes it easier for the ombudswoman to find the right contact person for complaints for which she herself is not responsible, e.g. a complaint about the refusal to allow the public prosecutor to inspect files.

Ombudsmen of Switzerland, Ombudsmen of Vorarlberg, Tyrol and South Tyrol

The Ombudsperson of the German-speaking Community of Belgium is in regular exchange with other German-speaking Ombudspersons.
Landesvolksanwältin Tirol   Meraner Straße 5
6020 Innsbruck

phone: +43 512 5083052          
Landesvolksanwalt Vorarlberg   Landwehrstraße 1
6900 Bregenz

phone: +43 5574 470270          
Ombudsfrau Kanton Waadt   Rue Saint-Martin 6
1002 Lausanne

phone: +41 21 5570899          
Ombudsfrau und Datenschutzbeauftragte Stadt Bern   Effingerstrasse 4
3011 Bern

phone: +41 31 3120909          
Ombudsstelle Basel-Stadt   Freie Strasse 52
4001 Basel

phone: +41 61 2616050          
Ombudsstelle des Kantons Baselland   Rheinstrasse 28
4410 Liestal

phone: +49 615526290          
Ombudsstelle Stadt Luzern   Hirschengraben 31
6003 Luzern

phone: +41 41 2410444          
Ombudsstelle Kanton Zug   Alpenstrasse 14
6300 Zug

phone: +41 41 7117145          
Ombudsstelle der Stadt Zürich   Oberdorfstrasse 8
8001 Zürich

phone: +41 44 4120030          
Ombudsstelle Stadt Rapperswil-Jona   Gertrudstrasse 35
8003 Zürich

phone: +41 55 2257199          
Ombudsmann des Kantons Zürich   Forchstrasse 59
8032 Zürich

phone: +41 44 2694070          
Ombudsstelle der Stadt Winterthur   Marktgasse 53
8400 Winterthur

phone: +41 52 2121777          
Ombudsstelle Stadt St.Gallen   Schmiedgasse 33
9000 St. Gallen

phone: +41 71 2245274          
Südtiroler Landtag
  Cavourstraße 23/c
39100 Bozen

phone: +39 471 946020