General Assembly of the Belgian Ombudsperson Network
On Friday, December 13, the Belgian network of ombudspersons,, held its general assembly in Antwerp City Hall. The network, which comprises 29 institutions of ombudsmen and mediators in Belgium, was welcomed to Antwerp by the municipal ombudswoman Karla BLOMME. Under the chairmanship of Marc BERTRAND, Ombudsman of Wallonia and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, the members took stock of the past year and the activities carried out.
They also took note of the conclusions and recommendations of Professor Stefaan VOETS, professor at the KUL, following the study on 'Belgian Ombudsmen and the Venice Principles'. Finally, the mediators and ombudsmen worked on a draft resolution on the right to error.
A busy day to close the year 2024 and open new perspectives for 2025.
Mitte links, Ombudsperson der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft - Marlene Hardt
The Ombudsperson of the German-speaking Community of Belgium
A mediator between the citizens and the administration
The ombudsperson can mediate between a citizen and an administrative authority or an association.
The person can present his point of view on an issue.
The analysis and bundling of the various contributions is intended to improve the administration in the long term.
the Ombudsperson mediates by complaints against decisions or proceedings
of an administrative authorities or of an municipality or social welfare centre in the German-speaking Community:
The ombudsperson is not responsible for these complaints:
via federal, regional or foreign authorities.
via hospitals
over autonomous companies such as the railroad or the post office.
in private disputes.
The Ombudswoman will direct the Issue to the relevant Ombudsman Service.
Who can lodge a complaint?
a citizen
a company
an association
Irrespective of his nationality, place of residence or place of business, any natural or legal person or de facto association may lodge a complaint with the ombudswoman.
You still don't know who can actually investigate your complaint?
You can contact the Consumer Protection Center in Eupen for tenancy disputes or problems with your hirer or renter or your energy or telephone provider.
the ombudsperson
The ombudsperson listens to your issue in a confidential manner. She is subject to professional secrecy. Her service is free of charge.
She is your partner for a mutual- and out-of-court solution to your issue with an administration.
She sees herself as an independent and neutral bridge builder, committed to the resumption of dialogue between the administrative authority and you.
The ombudsperson has a free phone number:
phone: 0800 98759
You can reach the office of the ombudsperson by telephone
montags von 13:30 to 16:30 Uhr, dienstags von 9 to 12 Uhr, freitags von 09 to 12 Uhr.
If she does not answer immediately, she may have a conversation or attend a meeting. She will get back to you as soon as possible.
At other times, please leave a message in the voice mail, and the Ombudswoman will get in touch with you as soon as possible.