Issue concerning dem Ministerium der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft?

Do you have any suggestions to das Ministerium? Are you unsatisfied with a decision or an action? The ombudswoman supports you as envoy of the Parliament on your request.
In a first step, you should try to clarify your request directly with dem Ministerium.
Ministry of the German-speaking Community
Gospertstraße 1
4700 Eupen
phone: 087 596300

Das Ministerium has its own complaint page on the Internet. You can call it here: link:
A PDF to submit your complaint in writing can be accessed here:link:
Was this step unsuccessful? Or don't you agree with the result? Then you can contact me.
If you would like to make a report in a professional contact about an incident involving an employee des Ministeriums der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft, use this link: signal